27 يونيو 2007

Quedan dos días...

Quedan dos días para que suba mis propias imágenes de Alejandría.

20 يونيو 2007

Homage to Catalonia

Por fin he vuelto a leer sin objetivo preciso.

Empezar Homage to Catalonia, de Orwell, ha sido un acierto. Me he encontrado con joyas de este calibre:

"Every foreigner who served in the militia spent his first few weeks learning to love the Spaniards and in being exasperated by certain of their characteristics. In the front line, my own exasperation sometimes reached the pitch of fury. The Spaniards are good at many things, but not at making war. All foreigners alike are apalled by their inefficiency, above all their maddening unpunctuality. The one Spanish word that no foreigner can avoid learning is mañana (...). Whenever it is conceivably possible, the business of today is put off until mañana. This is so notorious that even the Spaniards themselves make jokes about it. In Spain nothing, from a meal to a battle, ever happens at the appointed time. (...) In theory I rather admire the Spaniards for not sharing our Northern time-neurosis; but unfortunately I share it myself."

George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia, 1938.

19 يونيو 2007

11 يونيو 2007

Botticelli, El nacimiento de Venus, 1485.

8 يونيو 2007

Knut Ekwall, The fisherman and the siren

Herbert James Draper, Ulysses and the sirens, 1909.

6 يونيو 2007

Smooth criminal... Que le quiten lo bailao

Llevo unos días fascinada por este videoclip de Michael Jackson. Como no consigo que me lo manden desde You Tube cuelgo el link al video (versión corta) de la página You Tube. Atención al minuto 3:·38... ¿Cómo podrán hacer eso?

Smooth criminal